Практический курс английского языка. Проектная работа

English speaking. Project work

2006 - 2008

International Language and culture project

"Do Russia and Latin America matter? To each other? In the world?”

Our Teams:



Our Project Blogs:



The Project Draft:


Our Project was presented at 26th SPELTA Conference “Paths to Success in Teaching and Learning”, April 14 – 15, 2007 (Saint-Petersburg Institute of Humanities)


Nikolaenko E. Paths to Success in Teaching and Learning // Newsletter. SPELTA. – April 2007. – # 32. – Pp. 3, 6 – 7.


Grant from United States Embassy in Moscow, Public affairs section, English language office ($500).

Gratitudes to: the American Corner, Bryansk universal scientific regional library.


International Language and culture project (on-line project)

Ibunka 2009 with Yokohama National University, Japan


Наша презентация по окончанию проекта/Our Presentation on finishing the Project



Poetry Corner Meetings

The Presentation Everywhere_I_go_I_find_that_a_poet.ppt

Выпускные квалификационные работы

Graduation thesis writing collaboration project

2007 - 2008

In 2007 – 2008 there was a graduation thesis writing collaboration project when 2 students - a Russian one and a Mexican one - collaborated in writing their thesis:

Russia, Student - Sheptyuk Jana

Research Topic - Modern borrowings from Spanish in English

Scientific supervisor - Elena M. Nikolaenko

Mexico, Student - Flor del Carmen Mixtega Chávez

Research Topic - Anglicisms of frequency

Scientific supervisor - Fátima Encinas Prudencio

Uni - Benemerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)

см. / see http://students-linguistic-research.blogspot.com/



Ibunka 2011


 Alina Kuzmenko

I liked the project Ibunka. It wasthe good and  big possibility to speak with other people and to improveour English, to know the traditions of people from different countries. Now Ihave new friends and know something about them and their culture. I thank youfor this good and interesting project.

I liked all articles. They were interestingand we have  the performance to ask many questionsour interlocutors. But especially I liked the articles aboutthe culture, about the Christmas and the traditions of ourinterlocutors. It was very interesting to learn something new.

 Anna Chmelyova

I wouldlike share my impressions about the project Ibunka. It was very interesting forme. I met new interesting people, knew many interesting things about China, Japan,Indonesia,about the life of the young people in this countries. We corresponded Englishand understood each other very well. I think that our knowledge took a turn forthe better. I am very happy, that I was permitted to communicate with the youngpeople from China, Japan, Indonesia, because I never havecommunicated with the people from these countries. As for me, it was verywonderful to know about the interests of foreign people, about that, how theyspend their free time. The young people from China,Japan, and Indonesia arevery kind, interesting, respectful, and associative.  So, I’m very happy,that I found new friends thanks to this project. Also this project helped me tounderstand, that I should work hard at my English. Therewith, it became thegood incentive in my study. I would like to take part in this project again.

 Rita Bashkatova

When Iheard the main idea of Ibunka at the first time, I was glad. I thought "Itis very interesting to communicate with foreign students"! And myexpectations have proven to be true )
It is not only interesting, but also useful and important for Englishimprovement. I have known a lot of things about Japanese and Indonesianculture, different opinions about social problems. I'm really sorry that theproject lasts so little time.

 Evgenia Pozdnyakova

I like thisproject. It was very interesting to communicate with students from othercountries and to disscus different topics, for example culture. But in future Iwant that in this project take part students from USA for example. And also I thinkthat this project is very important for us, because we got more experence ininformal speech.

 Oksana Bolshakova

Hello! I'mOksana from Russia.I liked the project very much. I think this project is very opportunity to makethe acquaintance. I was glad to communicate with different people.
My best article:
I think the best article is "Corruption in Indonesia"by Eva Febrina Susanti from Indonesia.




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